Any donations to aid my travels will be mentioned in my next post!

Sunday 19 April 2015

First discovery!

OK guys it's been a LOOONG TIME since I last posted to you all, 

but anyway, better kickstart my new project of online discoveries and the first one is this, the Desu-box!

From what I've seen it's a super cool guy called James who's going to be providing subscription boxes of Japanese sweets and snacks, imported straight to your door!

It's kinda like the Oyatsubox if you've ever heard of that, but luckily for us, James is in UK so that saves a lot of hassle.

here's their logo 

funky stuff right?

Desubox are gonna start a kickstarter campaign to get themselves heard on the largescale, and they're also holding an epic giveaway right now too, you can win 10 boxes of Pocky, amazing right?

Here's a link to the epic comp, and from there you can explore the website too, bright colours galore

Anyway that's it for today, if you win then I'll be pretty jealous haha!

Friday 3 May 2013

went to cambridge university library and they only had ONE BOOK ABOUT tea ceremony, CRAZY

wow i've been viewed from so many countries, thanks! and also please leave comments on how to improve and what I should put!

Friday 26 April 2013

ask me

if you feel I haven't posted what you want to find out more on, please ask me in the comments or otherwise!


I can't edit or post in college anymore, so all updates will be from home

Tuesday 26 March 2013

bowl rwesearch pt 1
Features of the Japanese room and its importance to tea ceremony

The Japanese room at THE KAETSU CENTRE has all the necessary requirerments to create a
traditional tea room, going by each item:

The Scroll:

The Rock Garden:



Flower Arrangement:

Incense Burner:

^^^will update soon^^
booked venue

The venue of the performance is confirmed to take place at THE KAETSU CENTRE in the Japanese room

Hopefully I will be able to serve 4-5 guests who have had no experinece in the field of tea ceremony

This is where I have been studying for the past few months thus it shall be no daunting experience for me. here are some pictures for what it looks like

it is a 12 tatami sized mat (tatami are the rectangular mats as shown)

A small rock garden
booked tea bowl kiln session